High Quality Nail Clipper for Great Dane
Does it take lots of time to take your Great Dane to grooming salons? Create your own grooming salon for your Great Dane at home! We have special dog goods that will help to keep your pet well-groomed. It is a common knowledge that long nails can cause discomfort for the canine. Sometimes it is even painful for the pet to walk. Thus, his/her claws should be regularly trimmed. Today we introduce you our new Nail Clipper for Safe Claws Clipping.
Every respectful dog handler should take care of his/her pet. We are sure that you love your Great Dane and do not want him/her to suffer even for a second. Proper care diminishes the risk of any discomfort the dog can experience. Therefore, this nail trimmer for dogs is indispensable if you do not like to visit groomer too often. You can do all that grooming stuff at home!
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Great Dane nail trimmer with special stop wof fixed cuts
Easy nail clipping Great Dane trimmer with vinyl handles
Key features of this Great Dane Trimmer: - sharp steel blades
- stop for cutting fixed nail length
- special fixator to keep the blades shot when not used
- reliable vinyl handles
| Intended use of this Great Dane Trimmer: |
Dimensions: - 5 inches (13 cm) - total length
- 2 1/5 inches (5.5 cm) - total width
| Materials: - steel blades
- vinyl handles
This nail trimmer is meant for Great Dane grooming. Learn the most outstanding benefits of the item. This nail trimmer has a special stop which helps
to adjust the length of the nail that you want to snip off. The dog nail trimmer is very easy to hold because your
hands won't slide thanks to vinyl handles. If you do care about comfort about your Great Dane, you can't do without this supply. The tool enables the pet to walk or train without discomfort because his/her claws will be of the normal length.
It's highly important to clip the certain length of your dog's nail. The stop of this nail trimmer will help you to regulate the needed length. In such a way you will avoid injury of the quick (the blood vessel that runs down the nail). Don't be afraid to trim your dog's nails, because the untrimmed nails may cause him much more suffering.
If you expect the process of trimming to pass off without a hitch, please, make sure that: - your dog is relaxed
- both you and your dog sit or lie in a comfortable position
- all four legs of your dog are easily accessible to you
- you have a styptic powder or cornstarch near at hand in case of quick injury
- you are not afraid yourself, because your fear can be adopted by your dog and you won't be able to reach your goal.
- you may also try to use treats during or before each trimming procedure as well as at the end to praise your dog for a good behavior.